The Deck Guru Coating can be cleaned with a brush, composite deck cleaner and water. Never use a pressure washer to clean your deck once the coating has been applied.

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Yes, we do: 24 months on workmanship by installer and 10 years on the product provided directly by the manufacturer.

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No, you don’t, as long as you provide us access to your deck (e.g. by leaving the gate open, etc.). Our team can use ladders if you are not home. However, we ask you to keep your pets indoors and don’t allow them to walk on the deck for at least 24 hours

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We ask you to remove all your deck furniture, as well as any items from underneath the deck. Bring all outdoor pets indoors or ensure they don’t have access to the deck. If you are unable to move all the furniture yourself, our team will be happy to assist with the heavy items

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Application itself doesn’t take long, but the preparation work is extensive and inclement weather may interfere. We provide you with a project completion date which is 60 days from the date contract was signed .This is more of a “worst case scenario” time frame considering the weather. Before applying the Deck Guru coating, we clean your deck and seal it to eliminate cracks and create a smooth surface. The sealant must cure completely, which may take longer if the cracks are deep and extensive.

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